Modusimo Master Plan Manifesto

About me: Hi, my name is Justin Eshagh and I guess this is where I get to talk about myself for a little bit. I am a graduate from CSU Stanislaus in the school of business administration with a concentration in marketing. After walking that ceremony stage, I asked the question that probably most young people asked themselves: “Okay. What now?”. It did not take long for me to really dive into the fitness community and discover the amazing people that I got exposed to. I did not know where I wanted to be in life, but I knew I had a purpose in it. That’s when the idea of Modusimo came around.


Background: I wanted to create more than just another clothing brand that has one drop then disappears because of the lack of ideas. Not only is Modusimo going to stick around, but it will also grow. Grow to be more than just another piece of cotton/polyester you throw on your back. I have a vision for this brand that includes bringing up not only the name, but the people that have helped in the creation and the support.


Ego Te Provoco Quia Cogito, Ergo Sum: The people who represent and support this brand are the ones who add on another set, add on another plate, do one more rep, etc. The ones who dive headfirst into hell with a burning passion, then do it again for the hell of it. Once you begin to understand why you do it, you fall in love with the process.

I Challenge You Because I Think, Therefore I Am

The only competition in the world is yourself. Challenge the person looking back at you in the mirror the next time you see them.


In The Simplest Sense The Future Looks Like:

  • Roll out multiple chapters with varying products
  • Add athletes to the ever-growing family
  • Open Modusimo’s Home Gym. The Vipers Pit

If something does not work or there is an issue, or you want to talk to me in general. Reach out to me on Instagram @Goldenboyyjustin. Trust me when I say this whole process has been very humbling and I am still learning and attempting to improve every day.



Year 1 Update 9/2/23

Vivamus Moriendum, Est

Hi again,
It’s been one year since the start of Modusimo. From last year to now, I managed to learn so much and grow not only myself as a person but help others that are around me build the best versions of themselves. I am eternally grateful for everyone that has stuck around to watch this brand grow to where it is today. I am beyond excited to see where it will end up in the coming years.

Let Us Live, Since We Must Die

From year zero to year one, Modusimo has:
- Grown to a family of over 5,000+ followers
- Put together an ambassador program of over 100+ members
- Sold its first 500 orders
- Expanded marketing to on multiple platforms
For year two, the goals are:
- Double if not triple follower count
- Grow ambassador program to over 200+
- Double if not triple the sales number
- Continue expanding on the library of clothing options

Till’ Death Comes Knocking, Modusimo Forever

Those numbers are amazing and having everyone believe in the same vision as me only gives me more confidence to keep going. Year two will be another season of pushing beyond every limit and breaking through all ceilings as the brand continues its story. Once again, I could not thank everyone enough. I am going to give it my all in hopes of getting closer to ticking off the master plan checklist.
Let’s take it to infinity.


Year 2 Update 9/2/24


I Struggle And I Emerge

Today marks two years since I started this brand and wow has it been a ride. Through all of the hardships that the brand has conquered over the course of the year, it has still managed to stand strong on its own two feet and grow to the point that it has. Now that I have the ball rolling and I am getting adjusted to putting together designs, ordering, creating content and releasing drops, I can start to focus on expanding out even more this upcoming year.


Against All Odds, I Still Advance

From year zero to year one, Modusimo has:
- Grown to a family of almost 10,000 followers
- Put together an ambassador program of over 200+ members
- Sold its first 1000 orders  
- Sponsored its first bodybuilding show

For year two, the goals are:
- Keep the follower growth going, let's shoot for 15,000-20,000 followers by Sep 2, 2025
- Begin influencer marketing
- Grow ambassador program to over 250-280+
- Sponsor more bodybuilding shows
- Continue expanding on the library of clothing options


As I Breathe, I Hope Through The Hardships, I Rise To The Stars

Keeping the core values and remembering the same three goals I wrote over two years ago, I try my best to keep focus on the primary reason why I started this brand. It's absolutely shocking that there are so many people that see my brand over others and choose to support it. It's genuinely hard for me to comprehend it. Regardless, we're here and there is no way in hell I plan on slowing down whatsoever. Keeping the smaller goals I set for year two in mind, the only thing left to do is execute said goals. I am forever blessed to be in the position that I am and I will keep pushing in hopes of bringing the best for the supporters. To everyone that has made it this far, thank you. It wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for you all.
Let's take it to infinity.